
Search Results for: nhs – Page 5

Integration Inquiry: NHS workforce and true integration

Chaired by Lord James O’Shaughnessy and Professor Mike Bewick, the second inquiry session of the NHS Innovation and Life Sciences Commission took place on 26th June. This session focused on achieving greater integration of health and social care services, bringing together the recommendations of leaders in healthcare, life sciences and local/regional authorities. The discussion opened the potential of innovation as a solution in the innovation agenda.

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Empowering the NHS – Funding Life-Saving Research

Innovating Healthcare Scotland gathered a panel of experts to discuss how we can improve innovation in healthcare and life sciences. Considering the need to involve the NHS and the many hoops scientists have to jump through to acquire funding for life-saving research, leaders offered perspectives on ensuring the provision of resources to empower medical professionals.

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Health data inquiry: NHS staff and establishing best practice

Chaired by Lord James O’Shaughnessy and Professor Mike Bewick, the first inquiry session of the Commission took was held on the 28th June. This session focused on fostering the health data ecosystem, bringing together the recommendations of leaders in healthcare, life sciences and local government/regional authorities.

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