During the successful Integrating Healthcare seminar in Manchester, Chris Green gave his address to the audience of NHS, life science and national/local government leaders.
Recently, Chamber hosted the first of its regional Integrating Healthcare Seminar series, in partnership with IQVIA. The series brings together leaders across the NHS, life sciences and national/local government to discuss public health in specific regions and across the UK. This year, Chamber are hosting future events in Birmingham, London, Leeds and Glasgow.
The first of the series was held in Manchester where MPs and the Shadow Minister for Public Health, Andrew Gwynne MP gave their address to an in-person and online audience.
The first of the speeches came from Chris Green MP, who discussed his priorities for public health in the North West and wider UK. Mr Green is the Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Medical Research and also sits on the government’s Health and Social Care Select Committee. He a strong background in healthcare and life sciences, representing Bolton West and Atherton as their Member of Parliament.
Mr Green began his address stating that “healthcare is always one of the most important issues we face as a country” which has been amplified in recent years thanks to the COVID pandemic. He then went on to talk about the role healthcare plays in devolution:
“Healthcare certainly fits into the devolution agenda at this moment in time. Devolution is becoming more common across the country and in Greater Manchester, we’ve had a mayor since 2014. However, it wasn’t until 2016 that health and social care devolution came to Greater Manchester.
“When health devolution came to Greater Manchester it wasn’t desired locally for that to fall under the responsibility of the Mayor. Instead, there was an appetite for a local authority partnership model, and fast forward to 2022 we have the Health and Care Act which has seen Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) rolled out across the country and put on a statutory footing.”
Integrating Care Systems
The introduction of ICSs marks a significant milestone for health and social care across the UK. Since their introduction, the health and life sciences sector has been discussing the potential of the new system to improve outcomes for patients across regions.
The purpose of ICSs is to bring various NHS partner organisations together to improve outcomes, tackle health inequalities and to enhance productivity. However, as these systems are still in their infancy, there are some sceptics across the sector.
Talking about the potential of these systems, Mr Green said:
“Historically, if a local authority made savings on healthcare they wouldn’t necessarily get to keep that money to reinvest in the area. ICSs have the potential to break down these barriers and to give local authorities the motivation to innovate the way they work.
“Additionally, ICSs should allow for new relationships to be built with the life science sector, pharmaceutical companies, and universities. There is a huge opportunity for more collaborative working to get companies and organisations to invest and work in your local areas which, as a result, means a gain in expertise and finances.”
Final thought
Mr Green’s address provided key insights into current issues in health and social care and the potential of ICSs to improve outcomes across the board. As Chair of the Medical Research APPG, Mr Green was well positioned to discuss these important topics with leaders across the health and life science sector. The first speech set the tone for series of discussions on health inequalities, cancer outcomes and wider public health.
To watch Mr Green’s address, see the video below.
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